Cyber Security Solutions – Defense In Depth


Risk Manager

A risk register is a document that records identified risks, their likelihood, potential impact, and corresponding control measures. It is typically created and maintained by cybersecurity professionals within an organization and serves as a central repository for all security-related risks. The risk register is regularly updated and reviewed to ensure that risks are appropriately managed and new risks are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Import Risks

After the cyber security risk assessment Read More >

After the cyber security risk assessment has been saved, all the low to high priority risks are automatically added to the risk register.

Severity Level

Risks should be rated so that they may be  Read More >
Risks should be rated so that they may be prioritized and addressed based on their potential impact on the organization.

Risk Analysis

Proper analysis aids in identifying potential Read More >
Proper analysis aids in identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities, as well as planning and implementing suitable risk-mitigation strategies.

Mitigation Steps

Listing the mitigation steps helps Read More >
Listing the mitigation steps helps ensure that appropriate measures are planned and implemented to reduce the likelihood and potential impact of a security breach.


To ensure that unmitigated risks Read More >

To ensure that unmitigated risks are addressed swiftly, notifications will be sent via email.


Choose to export the register alone or include Read More >

Choose to export the register alone or include with the technical and executive reports.


Using a risk register offers several benefits, including improved risk management, increased visibility into potential threats and vulnerabilities, and more informed decision-making. It also helps organizations to prioritize their security investments and allocate resources more effectively, reducing the likelihood of serious security breaches and associated costs. Additionally, maintaining a risk register ensures that the organization has a comprehensive understanding of its cyber risks, enabling proactive management of those risks.

Prioritize Risks

Can prioritize potential risks by documenting and assessing their impact.

Remediation Plan

Help organizations implement measures to mitigate identified risks.

Enhanced Communication

Can help facilitate communication among different stakeholders.

Improve Decision Making

Can provide decision-makers with a comprehensive view of the risks.


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Risk registers provide a comprehensive framework for managing potential threats to an organization’s digital infrastructure. They categorize risks based on severity levels, allowing for a prioritized approach to risk mitigation. Each risk is assigned a dedicated risk owner, who assumes responsibility for overseeing its management and resolution. Mitigation notes are recorded to document strategies and actions taken to mitigate the identified risks. The risk status is continuously monitored and updated to reflect the progress of mitigation efforts, while completion dates are set to ensure timely resolution and minimize the window of vulnerability.

How It Works


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.


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There are 4 simple steps to automate any web application using eFast.


There are 4 simple steps to automate any web application using eFast.

Useful Resources


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